Missouri Christian College Endorses Police Violence
In a move reminiscent of the legal battle over whether processing
marriage license applications for same-sex couples by a Christian county clerk being
tantamount to her violating her deeply held Christian faith, a Christian
college in Missouri declared they will terminate their relationship with Nike
for including the persona of Colin Kaepernick in their "Just do It"
campaigns. You will recall that he is the NFL player who protests police
brutality especially of minority people.
The College of the Ozarks sends its message of tacit approval of police
brutality and excessive killing of citizens whom they suspect are "a
danger to them" for the mere appearance of dark skin even when they are
handcuffed and knelt upon face down on the pavement or while running away from
the threat of being killed by a violent police officer.
"College of the Ozarks plans to remove all athletic uniforms
purchased from Nike or that contain the Nike emblem. Student athletes will no
longer wear the brand in response to the company's new ad campaign," the
private, Christian college said in a statement Wednesday. Certainly any student
who chooses to continue to wear their Nike logoware can expect to be shunned,
persecuted and possibly brutalized for acting contrary to the divine
declarations of the "academic" leadership.
This move reinforces the college's position and perpetuates the
stereotype that all Christian colleges are fundamentally racist and in favor of
police brutality just because they are white and Christian.