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Saturday, September 28, 2019

POTUS Job Description

The position of president of the United States has a job description the includes the following:
Be the representative of the American people on the world stage.

  • Sign official documents presented to him by Congress.
  • Obtain a vision for the future of the country and work to implement that vision by gaining consensus.
  • Stand as the Commander in Chief of the armed forces in times of war.
  • Report on the state of the union to inform the people what is happening.
President Donald Trump, you Sir, are failing on all fronts.

As the designated representative of America to the world the office of President is a glorified spokesmodel, one who looks good, dresses well, is well spoken, likable, educated, and able to enlist support from allies. Wealth and pomposity are not required attributed for the job. You have none of those attributes to enhance the office.

The job of signing documents is one of reaction to what is presented, not one of creating the documents and staging pompous signing ceremonies where you hold up the folder and display your Sharpie-signature like a child seeking maternal approval.

Your predecessors made ceremony of signing significant bills into law where many pens were used so as to distribute such historical artifacts to people who were instrumental in bringing the legislation to fruition.

Your signing ceremonies have been for Executive Orders which you have promulgated from your personal agenda and circle of Wrecking Crew members. Most of your Directives have been to vacate previous gains by your predecessor and to bypass Congress and it’s authority to make laws. On this job element you fail.

America has a history of trying to improve itself with Wisdom gained after years if not decades of injustice to many people who are equally American and who brave great perils to get to our shores seeking safe harbor. We have worked tirelessly to make life on this land better even if we had persecuted the indigenous peoples. Our goals were to improve life for everyone even though not all factions agreed with the agenda or results.

You, Sir, have acted firmly in opposition of all America has stood for. Instead of rebuking fringe movements of Nationalism, supremacy and discrimination you have unleashed those dark tides and hold them up as virtuous to you vision of America.

You embarrass America on the global stage with you pushy ness, self- absorbed behaviors, your cow-towing to major dictators, showing favor and bestowing benefits to those who stroke your ego and visibly showing disdain for those who don’t. This is a major flaw in your job performance.

Every Commander in Chief has the duty to avoid the deployment of military might. Surrounding yourself with war hawks and defense contractors who are eager to drop ordnance on your enemies is a gross betrayal of America as a peace-loving nation. While her people maybe, you are not. Your cutting of diplomatic dialog and treaty only stokes the dies and beats the war drum. The people of America will benefit nothing from a war even as you and you corporate ilk will. Failing grades on this one too.

Your copious misrepresentation of facts, aka lying and confabulation about nearly everything make everything you say or have parroted for you suspect. At this point in time you could say it is raining outside and most people would need to go look for themselves. You could say the sun will rise in the east today and we’d have to fact check your claim.

All of these failures of your abilities as president are why you are under consideration for impeachment. Our Constitutional government demands the highest level of care and process to remove a President. It is not undertaken lightly. Calls to the supposition it is a partisan vendetta or sour grapes for losing the 2016 election belittles you and every thing you are proud of doing no matter how heinous it is. Dictators are proud of their despotic actions and seek to own them. The present impeachment action pending against you is testament to your style of despotic governance.

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